Do You Have Unclaimed Money That Is Just Waiting To Be Collected ?

Did you receive a Call or a Letter from “Refund Assistant” regarding Unclaimed Money which may be waiting to be collected on your behalf ?

First of all, congratulations ! You may be one of the thousands of Americans who are unaware that they have money owed to them. It can be quite a shock and difficult to know where to begin when receiving such positive news.

Refund Assistant LLC is here to help, we Assist Claimants like yourself to navigate the complex requirements and “Bureaucratic Red Tape” necessary to stake your claim through our network of specially selected attorneys.

Our team of “Refund Assistants” work with experienced attorneys across the nation to help you recover the money lawfully owed to you. This process can be complex & lengthy & expensive for our business BUT we never charge you any up-front fees, so this process is a No-Brainer for you !!!

If you were directed to our website, then we believe you or your family is owed money discovered through our numerous audits of various sources across the country. Our mission is to navigate public and private entity requirements to return these Unclaimed Refunds to their rightful owner(s). We promise to work diligently to help you recover those unclaimed funds that are lawfully yours.

So, What Are You Waiting For ?

Contact Us Today Via A Phone Call Or Filling In The Background Check To Assist us To Verify That Your Details Match Up With Our Research & That You Are The One That Has A Valid Lawful Claim !!!

Why Do These Unclaimed Refunds Exist ?

We specialize in recovering “difficult-to-find claims” that require auditing multiple government agencies. Many of these Unclaimed Assets come from a variety of different sources. This includes but is not limited to the following:-

  • Inheritance Money
  • Uncashed Checks
  • Lost Bank Accounts
  • Trust Funds
  • Safety Deposit Boxes
  • Mutual Funds
  • Lost Stocks
  • Lost Bonds
  • Lost Dividends
  • Unpaid Wages
  • Insurance Policies
  • Cash Deposits
  • Utility Deposits
  • Escrow Accounts
  • Real Estate

How Do We Assist You? Are the Experts in navigating the rules surrounding many types of Unclaimed Refunds.

PLEASE NOTE:- The “Bureaucratic Red Tape” surrounding various unclaimed funds, such as the death of the original owner, divorce, or battling government officials in court, can be an expensive and overwhelming endeavour for any individual. EG:- Many sources of Unclaimed Refunds have an expiration date, and after a certain period of time has passed, those monies can be lost forever. In our experience, those government agencies holding these monies are highly incentivized to withhold vital information from you and present roadblocks until the expiration date occurs.

IF You Do NOT Take Us Up On Our Offer To help You To Recover Your Unclaimed Refund Then You May LOSE THAT MONEY FOREVER !!!

So What Does The Recovery Process Look Like:-

  1. PRIOR to contacting you has already scrutinized multiple government websites to find your unclaimed refund.
  2. will attempt to contact you via the phone to discuss your unclaimed refund.
  3. NO, we are NOT debt collectors lol, so have no fear IF we contact you because we have Good News for you !!!
  4. Work with us and we will Contact The Government on your behalf to Extract Your Refund.
  5. Our business does all of the work for you.
  6. You will NOT do any of this time-consuming work.
  7. We will NOT charge you any Up-Front Fees = Zero out of pocket expenses for you !!!
  8. You will simply pay our business costs out of your share of the total claim. And of course you will receive the Lion’s Share of the refund.
  9. Your FIRST Step is to Sign our “Fee Agreement” which protects both of our interests in order to do the required work to complete your claim. ***CLICK HERE TO CONTACT US***
  10. After we have received your Signed Fee Agreement we will then be able to:-
  11. Verify your identity in order to verify your claim ->
  12. Explain in more detail exactly what this claim process is all about ->
  13. (Please Note That -> PRIOR To Having That Fee Agreement With You We CANNOT Discuss Details Of Your Potential Claim Or Verify Your Identity With The Relevant Government Agencies To Verify That You Do Have A Valid Lawful Claim)(Remember = Every Part Of This Entire Process Has A Specific Order To It) ->
  14. will process your claim on your behalf completely from start to finish ->

  1. The only question you need to ask yourself now is ->
  2. “When Will You Be Available To Receive A Visit From Our Legal Expert Who Will Fill In All Of Your Paperwork ?”

  1. Let’s sum up = We do all of the work ->
  2. You do not have any up-front expenses ->
  3. If we cannot process your claim successfully = you have zero expenses for unsuccessful claims therefore you have nothing to fear ->
  4. We are dealing with government officials here so please be patient = this whole process from start to finish OFTEN takes several months ->
  5. We will keep you informed VIA monthly email updates so no need to chase us or call us ->
  6. All you have to do is let our team visit you to fill in the lawfully required paperwork & sign our fee agreement which MUST be signed PRIOR to any discussion about any of the details of your potential claim -> PLEASE REMEMBER all we know at this stage is that you have a claim for a refund BUT we must lodge your signed paperwork in order to verify your claim and learn more information -> Naturally, after we have received all of the relevant information from the government, then we can discuss everything with you in more detail ->
  7. Then you simply WAIT patiently while we do all of the Claim Work ->
  8. After a few months you will receive your share of the claim = Via A Bank Check = Minus Our Expenses Of Course -> You then simply bank your check & give us a Testimonial & then go and enjoy your money recovered from one of the various government departments !!!


IF You Have A Legitimate Claim, That We Can Verify, Via Our Team Of Lawyers & You Sign Our Fee Agreement, Then YES We Will Process Your Claim And Only Charge You Our Business Expenses Out Of Your Total Claim Which Means Zero Up-Front Expenses For You !!!

So, What’s Your Worst Case Scenario ?

We work on your claim for several months and for whatever reason we cannot claim your refund from the government. We have lost a lot of time and money and will need to move onto assisting other claimants. BUT in that case YOU would NOT receive any requests for expenses because this is truly a WIN / WIN scenario whereby IF we cannot extract your claim from the government then neither of us gets paid and You will NOT be charged anything.

So You Have NO Downside at all !!!

Top Features

No Up-Front Fees !
No Claim Processed = No Fees !
You Have Nothing To Lose !

We Are Waiting To Assist You To Claim Your Refund !

Q. What have You Got To Lose ?

A. NOTHING. In Other Words About 1 Hour Of Your Time Filling In The Correct Paperwork & About 6 Months Of Frustrating Wait For Both Of Us Until The Government Finally Processes Your Claim & You Receive Your Juicy Refund Check !

24/7 Support

Our Dedicated Support Team Is Available Around The Clock To Assist Our Potential Claimants With All Their Claim Needs.

Monthly Updates

We Will Send Out A Monthly Email Updating Our Potential Claimants In Regards To How Their Claims Are Progressing. No Need To Waste Time Calling Us.

YES The Whole Claims Process Can Be Overwhelming At First BUT “Refund Assistant” Made it So Simple For Me…I Listened To The Explanation, I Trusted Them, I Filled In The Paperwork, I Waited Roughly 5-6 Months & Voila I Received My Refund Check…Now I Can Stop Renting And Buy A House !

My refund check has changed my life !

Alice Smith

No longer renting lol !

While You Are Living Your Life Our Team Is Busy Processing Your Potential Refund !
Be Patient Because The Entire Claims Process Can Take Several Months !
The Government Will Happily Keep Your Refund Money IF You DO NOT Claim It !!!

Simple Fee Structure, For Every Claimant…

Real Estate Claimants !


No Up-Front Fees !!!

You Receive The Lion’s Share Of The Claim

We Do All Of The Work

We Only Get Paid When We Are Succesful !!!

Inheritance Claimants !


No Up-Front Fees !!!

You Receive The Lion’s Share Of The Claim

We Do All Of The Work

We Only Get Paid When We Are Succesful !!!

Lost Money Claimants !


No Up-Front Fees !!!

You Receive The Lion’s Share Of The Claim

We Do All Of The Work

We Only Get Paid When We Are Succesful !!!

Lost Bonds Claimants !


No Up-Front Fees !!!

You Receive The Lion’s Share Of The Claim

We Do All Of The Work

We Only Get Paid When We Are Succesful !!!

What Our Happy Customers Say


I’m truly grateful for the exceptional legal support I received from Their expertise, dedication, and professionalism made a significant difference in my case.

Highly recommended.

Alice Smith

Young Home Owner = No Longer Renting.

For Your Peace Of Mind We Do All The Work For You !

no up-front fees

just be patient because this process takes time

Are We A Legit Business ?

Yes We Are !

Go Ahead & Look Us Up, We Are Registered In Wyoming & Our Business Name Is Refund Assistant LLC

(C) 2025 to Infinity.