
About Us…


We Specialize in Assisting Claimants to Verify & Process their Unclaimed Refunds via Valid Lawful Methods that are difficult to understand and even more difficult to achieve, BUT that is why we are the experts who can assist you….


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Contact Us TODAY To Verify Your Claim !

How Do We Assist You?

www.RefundAssistant.org/ Are the Experts in navigating the rules surrounding many types of Unclaimed Refunds.


The “Bureaucratic Red Tape” surrounding various unclaimed funds, such as the death of the original owner, divorce, or battling government officials in court, can be an expensive and overwhelming endeavour for any individual. EG:- Many sources of Unclaimed Refunds have an expiration date, and after a certain period of time has passed, those monies can be lost forever. In our experience, those government agencies holding these monies are highly incentivized to withhold vital information from you and present roadblocks until the expiration date occurs. 

IF You Do NOT Take Us Up On Our Offer To help You To Recover Your Unclaimed Refund Then You May LOSE THAT MONEY FOREVER !!!

So What Does The Recovery Process Look Like:-

  1. www.RefundAssistant.org/ has already scrutinized multiple government websites to find your unclaimed refund.
  2. www.RefundAssistant.org/ will attempt to contact you via the phone to discuss your unclaimed refund.
  3. NO, we are NOT debt collectors lol, so have no fear IF we contact you because we have Good News for you !!!
  4. Work with us and we will Contact The Government on your behalf to Extract Your Refund.
  5. Our business does all of the work for you.
  6. You will NOT do any of this time-consuming work.
  7. We will NOT charge you any Up-Front Fees = Zero out of pocket expenses for you !!!
  8. You will simply pay our business costs out of your share of the total claim. And of course you will receive the Lion’s Share of the refund.
  9. Your FIRST Step is to Sign our “Fee Agreement” which protects both of our interests in order to do the required work to complete your claim.
  10. After we have received your Signed Fee Agreement we will then be able to:-
  11. Verify your identity in order to verify your claim ->
  12. Explain in more detail exactly what this claim process is all about ->
  13. (Please Note That -> PRIOR To Having That Fee Agreement With You We CANNOT Discuss Details Of Your Potential Claim Or Verify Your Identity With The Relevant Government Agencies To Verify That You Do Have A Valid Lawful Claim)(Remember = Every Part Of This Entire Process Has A Specific Order To It) ->
  14. Process your claim on your behalf completely from start to finish ->
  1. Let’s sum up = We do all of the work for you ->
  2. You do not have any Up-Front Expenses ->
  3. If we cannot process your claim successfully = You have Zero Expenses for unsuccessful claims therefore you have nothing to fear ->
  4. We are dealing with Government Officials here so please be patient = This whole process from start to finish OFTEN takes several months, so sit back & relax while we do all of the work for you ->
  5. We will keep you informed VIA monthly email updates so there is no need to chase us or call us ->
  6. All you have to do is let our team visit you to fill in the Lawfully Required Paperwork & Sign Our Fee Agreement which MUST be done PRIOR to any discussion about any of the details of your potential claim ->
  7. Fill in the paperwork first, then you simply WAIT patiently while we do all of the Claim Work ->
  8. After a few months you will receive your share of the total claim VIA a Bank Check, Minus Our Expenses of course -> Then simply bank your check & email us a picture of you happily holding your claim check and maybe a written testimonial & then enjoy spending your money however you please !!!


IF You Have A Legitimate Claim, That We Can Verify, Via Our Team Of Lawyers & You Sign Our Fee Agreement, Then YES We Will Process Your Claim And Only Charge You Our Business Expenses Out Of Your Total Claim Which Means Zero Up-Front Expenses For You !!!

So, What’s Your Worst Case Scenario ? 

We work on your claim for several months and for whatever reason we cannot claim your refund from the government. We have lost a lot of time and money and will need to move onto assisting new claimants.

BUT in that case YOU would NOT receive any requests for expenses because this is truly a WIN / WIN scenario whereby IF we cannot extract your claim from the government, then neither of us gets paid and You will NOT be charged anything. So You Have NO Downside at all !!!

The only question you need to ask yourself now is -> 

“When Will You Be Available To Receive A Visit From Our Legal Expert Who Will Fill In All Of Your Paperwork ?”
